IWCA Costa Rica
IWCA Costa Rica
Essential Costa Rica
NAMA Café de Costa Rica
Taza de Excelencia
Essential Costa Rica
NAMA Café de Costa Rica
Taza de Excelencia
In 2006 the micro-mill ”revolution” began in Tarrazu. Some producers chose to invest more than 25 years of savings in the installation of their own coffee processing facilities. This means that many farmers are no longer just growing their coffee and delivering it to a cooperative. Instead they’ve taken on the arduous task of processing it themselves, from start to finish.
This is how Jorge and Ivannia made the decision in 2009 to invest in and install their own micro-mill, La Montaña Tarrazû. The purpose of the micro-mill was to add value to their product and to reach a global market. lt was a lot of work to take on, but little by little they were able to see positive results.
Don Jorge is still currently in charge of maintenance on the farm while his daughter, Daniela, is in charge of processing and managing our accounts.