Frame 1509

Cecilia Genis Murray

Zalmarí Estate


IWCA Costa Rica

Asociación de Cafés Finos de Costa Rica

Cámara Nacional de Cafetaleros de Costa Rica

IWCA Costa Rica

Asociación de Cafés Finos de Costa Rica

Cámara Nacional de Cafetaleros de Costa Rica


AAA Nespresso Rainforest Alliance


Women Care Certified

AAA Nespresso Rainforest Alliance


Women Care Certified

NAMA Café de Costa Rica


Planta de café
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Zalmari Estate is a farm with 100 hectares of coffee plantation and 80 hectares of protected forest.

We began in 1910 when my great Grandfather on my mother’s side came to Costa Rica from England via Jamaica. I am Cecilia Genis, fourth generation family coffee producer of Zalmari Estate and third generation born in Costa Rica. I started to learn the business with my mother, Marigold Murray’s guidance, in 2005.

We started our own coffee micro-processing plant in 1997 where we mill approximately 23,000 kilos of green coffee per year.

Our processing is done with reduced amounts of water and environmentally friendly technologies. We sun dry our coffee on African beds and then give the final touch in the “guardiola” dryers.


Coffee Regions
Type of Coffee
Single origin, specialty green coffee ready to export. Roasted coffee, medium to dark roast, whole bean or ground.
Arabica Varieties
Caturra, Obatá, Marsellesa, Catiguá, Bourbon, Starmaya, Esperanza
Washed and Honey.
Cup profile
Sweet sugar cane fragrance and aroma, sparkling citric acidity, rich body, sweet floral notes with dark chocolate tones. Each variety contributes with their own unique attributes as well.
82 — 86 according to the Specialty Coffee Association of America protocols.
Average Annual Production
3000 fanegas, aprox. 138,000Kg of green coffee.

Contact Information

Cecilia Genis Murray

Frame 1507
Frame 1506
Frame 1508

Other members in Costa Rica

Frame 1513

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Café Cloza

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Frame 1501

Daniela Gutierrez Valverde

La Montaña Tarrazú