Frame 1513

Kathia Zamora Alfaro

Café Cloza


IWCA Costa Rica

IWCA Costa Rica


Women Care Certified

NAMA Café de Costa Rica

Women Care Certified

NAMA Café de Costa Rica


Planta de café
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We are a four-generation coffee producing family business. During the 70’s my father Clodoveo Zamora (3’° generation) and my mother Jeannette with great effort decided to continue the family tradition of cultivating coffee, hence Cloza was born.

In 2004, together with my siblings we built a coffee mill to process and export our coffee. Throughout these 20 years we have learned a lot and have been able to place our coffee in many countries where our clients appreciate our quality.

We are founding members (2005) of the International Women in Coffee Alliance of Costa Rica.

We continuously involve more women in leadership roles in our farm and mill.


Coffee Regions
Type of Coffee
Single origin, specialty green coffee ready to export.
Arabica Varieties
Mostly Caturra, Catuaf, Pacamara.
Washed, honey, and natural.
Cup profile
Citric, chocolate, and hazelnut.
84 — 86 according to the Specialty Coffee Association of America protocols.
Average Annual Production
1200 sacks.

Contact Information

Kathia Zamora Alfaro

Frame 1522
Frame 1510
Frame 1523

Other members in Costa Rica

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